Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) – The DfE guidance updated on the 31 August 2023 requires Responsible Bodies and leaders of Education settings to take action if Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) is confirmed in any of the school buildings. What’s changed? This guidance advises you to restrict access to spaces where RAAC has been confirmed. Those spaces should remain out of use until appropriate mitigations are in place, even where they would have been deemed ‘non-critical’ previously. DfE target audience? Guidance is focused on state funded schools, colleges and other education settings where RAAC has been confirmed.

If you are not sure whether your setting has RAAC, or if you suspect your setting does have RAAC but are waiting for confirmation, then you should make a contingency plan for what you will do if RAAC is confirmed. If you have informed the Department through the RAAC questionnaire (sent out to all responsible bodies in March 2022 and extended to maintained nursery schools and Further Education colleges in December 2022) you will be contacted to arrange a survey.

NASPM RAAC Risk Assessment and Guidance Information NASPM – the National Alliance of Premises Managers have created a RAAC risk assessment for confirmed or suspected RAAC together with an overview and summary with key actions for those schools that are unsure if they have RAAC.

View the Sample Risk Assessment here


The National Alliance of School Premises Managers (NASPM) is here to support premises staff to effectively manage your school estate in a safe way.

We are the only national organisation working with school premises staff, providing a health, safety and estates management resource with the sole aim to provide a professional school premises standard with opportunities for continuous development. Find out more about membership here: